Here are some impressions from the first event:
- Photos from Jan Marsch
- Photos from Falko Richter
- Video: NodeCopter Berlin 2012 Timelapse
- I've been to #Nodecopter.js yesterday ... by Richard Metzler
- Flying JavaScript! by Simon Madine
- Hella Copters by Mikeal Rogers
Okay, #nodecopter is the most ridonkulistest event ever.
-- Jan Lehnardt
The first event was held at Stadtbad Oderberger, a stunning and historic location featuring 13m ceilings and plenty of room for flying.
The first event was the result of the combined work of these fine folks:
Felix Geisendörfer
@felixge -
Robin Mehner
@rmehner -
Thorsten Ball
@thorstenball -
Tim Koschützki
@tim_kos -
Matti Besser
@m_besser -
Katharina Buca
A huge thanks goes out to our sponsors, without them we would have been unable to pull this event off: